The REAL Team

The Nicholson Administration is excited to announce the inaugural Racial Equity Advisory Leadership Team (REAL), which is part of the City of Lynn’s year two participation with Racial Equity Municipal Action Plan (REMAP). REMAP launched last year under the McGee Administration as a pilot program with the goals of addressing racial equity at the municipal level and called on communities to volunteer to be part of this ongoing process to tackle structural and institutional racism effectively.

REMAP is a partnership between the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (FRBB), Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), and Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) / Race Forward. These key partners will continue to provide the City of Lynn with ongoing guidance and technical assistance support on our racial equity efforts.

Faustina Cuevas, the City’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer will lead and coordinate the group’s work which includes developing and analyzing high-level racial equity initiatives, ideas, and strategies to make City government more inclusive and equitable for all.